Six ‘Conversation Catalysts’ are announced on Evangelism, Empowerment and Climate Action for Missio 2025

Registration is continuing for Missio 2025, the world mission conference for the Episcopal Church, which this year is organized by the Global Episcopal Mission Network and the Diocese of Honduras.

At the invitation of Bishop Lloyd Allen of the Diocese of Honduras, Missio will meet in the city of San Pedro Sula, April 29-May 2.  Tuesday the 29th and Friday the 2nd are the travel days for the core conference.

Register here.  Missio 2025 will be bilingual with simultaneous translation between Spanish and English.

Mission with Jesus” is the Missio theme, with emphases on Evangelism, Empowerment and Climate Action.  One catalyst for each topical conversation will be from the Honduras region and one from beyond (pictured above in the order below):

  • Evangelism: Dean Amilcar Ortega of Catedral del Buen Pastor, a leader in Honduran evangelism; and the Rev. Dr. Paul Rajan, an experienced evangelistic missionary and church planter who is GEMN’s president.
  • Empowerment: Canon Consuelo Sanchez, executive director of Agencia Anglicana para el Desarrollo de Honduras; and Ms. Elizabeth Ha, executive director of Five Talents, which catalyzes saving groups in poor communities in 10 countries.
  • Climate Action: Bishop Julio Murray of Panama, a leader in climate activism in Central America; and Dr. Nancy Searby, deacon in the Diocese of Virginia and capacity building program manager at NASA’s headquarters’ Division of Earth Science.

The Mission Formation Program will meet all day on Tuesday, April 29, with attendees arriving Monday evening the 28th for formation in biblical foundations, spirituality, mission history and theology, companionship vs. colonial models, best practices for mission teams, and leadership in group process.  Register here.

Conference overview and schedule are here. An Optional Extra Missio Day for more field trips and meetings is offered on Friday, May 2, with those attendees leaving on Saturday May 3.

Wednesday afternoon will feature field trips to missional sites around San Pedro Sula, with the evening spent at a Honduran cultural festival dinner at Catedral del Buen Pastor, when GEMN’s 30th anniversary will also be celebrated.  Missio plenaries and seminars will be held at the main conference venue: the Hyatt Place Hotel, where attendees will be staying.

GEMN holds Missio outside the USA periodically.  This Missio is an opportunity to experience the vitality of Honduran Anglicanism and to reflect with Latin American companions on what Mission with Jesus means.  Numerous stateside dioceses have ties with the Diocese of Honduras, including Central Florida, West Texas and Northern Indiana, and send mission teams periodically.  Three GEMN Board members made a site visit to Honduras in December to prepare for the conference.

Mission Thursday on March 20 will feature the Diocese of Honduras, with the webinar on Zoom beginning at 1pm Eastern and featuring Bp. Lloyd Allen and Canon Consuelo Sanchez.  Register here.


  • Conference: $199.  Includes attendance, field trips & meals. Aid available: contact
  • Hyatt Plaza Hotel: $130/night + tax, with breakfast included.  40 double rooms & 20 single rooms.  Attendees are encouraged to share a double room to cut expenses and facilitate higher attendance: contact  This conference rate is available through April 4, after which the hotel’s normally higher rates will apply.  Here is the hotel reservation link.
  • Mission Formation Program: $85. Aid available: contact gemn@gemn.o
Posted in Creation Care, Empowerment, Evangelism, Honduras, Missio, Mission Thursday.