Save the date! – 2022 Global Mission Conference, May 12-14, will focus on Women in Mission

Women in Mission will be the theme of the 2022 Global Mission Conference sponsored by the Global Episcopal Mission Network, and it will be held May 12-14 online via Zoom.

The GEMN Board of Directors set these directions for the annual conference at its October extended meeting in October.  The online format was chosen in consideration of the continuing coronavirus pandemic.

May 12-14 is a Thursday-Saturday time period, and the Zoom sessions will be held 1-4 p.m. Eastern Time on each day.  This was the pattern followed for the 2021 Global Mission Conference, ‘Earthkeeping: Creation Care in God’s Mission,’ and it worked well for attendees in North America and for those on other continents.

The theme of Women in Mission was chosen to highlight the contributions of women in global mission both historically and today.  The priority that many mission organizations are placing on outreach to women is an equally important aspect of the theme.

Components of the conference theme will include:

– History of women in mission

– Challenges and opportunities for women in mission today

– Outreach to women by mission initiatives based in Africa, Asia & Latin America

– Intersections of women’s mission with race, poverty, migration & violence.

Details of the program and registration information will be circulated early in the new year.

If you have particular ideas you’d ike to contribute to the conference program, please be in touch with GEMN at

Posted in Global Mission Conference, Mission Practice, Mission Stories, Missionaries, Women in Mission and tagged , , .