Global Mission Digital Toolkit is up and live for use by dioceses and congregations

The initial installment of resources in the Global Mission Digital Toolkit has been finalized and is now live on the Episcopal Church website. It went up in time for the celebration of World Mission Sunday on Feb. 14. Here’s the link.
The fruit of a unique collaboration among GEMN, the Office of Global Partnerships (OGP) and the Standing Commission on World Mission (SCWM), the toolkit is designed to offer resources to catalyze and support global mission in congregations, dioceses, mission committees and seminaries, both in the Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion.

The initial installment of resources includes:

• Video of Jenny Grant of GEMN & OGP, and Tatiana Hoecker, project coordinator, introducing the Toolkit.
• Guide for using the Toolkit.
• Video of SCWM’s Word to the Church, which introduces SCWM’s Guiding Principles for World Mission.
What is Mission: A Personal Journey? by David Copley of OGP.
• Video of Janice Price of the Partnership for World Mission (UK) and Titus Presler of GEMN discussing The Mission is God’s – How do we join in? moderated by Maurice Dyer of GEMN.
• Bible study on the history of world mission.
Monthly Global Mission Prayer Cycle generated by GEMN.
• Creation Care resources for world mission.
Mission activists are encouraged to explore the resources and use them in your communities. The resources are intended for year-round use. And more resources will be coming online in the coming months, for the Toolkit will be an evolving and growing body of resources.

The project, the first of its kind, has been funded by a generous grant from the Constable Fund, with contributions from GEMN and OGP.

Members of the Project Steering Committee are: For GEMN: Grace Burton-Edwards, Jenny Grant, Holly Hartman and Titus Presler. For OGP: David Copley (chair) and Jenny Grant. For SCWM: Grace Burton-Edwards, Martha Gardner and Judy Quick. Project Coordinator is Tatiana Hoecker.

Posted in GEMN Organization, Global Mission Resources, Mission Practice, Office of Global Partnerships, Prayer, Standing Commission on World Mission, World Mission Sunday.