Global Mission Prayer Cycle is published by GEMN

A Global Mission Prayer Cycle was published by the Global Episcopal Mission Network on 22 January 2021.  It is posted in the Resources section of the GEMN website.

Designed to lift up before God the global mission work of Episcopalians, the cycle is arranged on a monthly cycle of 30 days.

It briefly features the work of dioceses, congregations, mission organizations and seminaries – altogether over 90 entities, with three or four cited each day.

“Global mission work involves many activities, but a primary commitment for all of us must be simply praying for those engaged in global mission and for our mission companions around the world,” said Titus Presler, GEMN’s president.  “We often say that mission begins with discerning what God is up to.  Well, that discernment must be grounded in prayer.”

The prayer cycle seeks to be inclusive, but it cannot claim to be comprehensive.  Users who notice an initiative that is missing or see something that needs to be corrected are asked to write to GEMN at:

Users of the prayer cycle are encouraged to download it to their computers and smartphones for ease of daily use.

Posted in News, Prayer.