Global Mission News: Standing Commission on World Mission to present at Jan. 23 Mission Thursday at 1pm

“Envisioning World Mission – A Word from the Standing Commission on World Mission” will be the theme of the Mission Thursday sponsored by GEMN at 1 p.m. on Jan. 23. 

Register here on Eventbrite for the one-hour webinar, which is free and open to the public.

Presenting will be Emily Keniston, chair of the commission for the 2025-2027 triennium.  Director of faith formation in the Diocese of Maine, Emily brings her experience of teaching in Tunisia for seven years and her current role as Global Mission Advocate for the diocese.

Emily will review the work of the Standing Commission in the previous triennium and share the commission’s preliminary planning for the next triennium.  The new commission has had its first two meetings in November and January.

The previous commission proposed initiatives to the 2024 General Convention in the form of resolutions to: create a task force to counter the colonial mindset; combat the rise of religious nationalism; affirm Anglican connections; support the Global Mission Advocates Network; create a task force for youth formation and world mission; create a task force on Episcopal Church-Anglican Communion relationships; and a number of other matters.

According to the church’s canons, the role of the Standing Commission on World Mission is to identify the global mission work carried out by entities throughout the church; consult with them to envision future directions for the church’s globalengagement; and develop world mission policy proposals for consideration by General Convention.

The current commission has 20 members, plus a liaison with Executive Council.  Thomas Diaz of the Diocese of Los Angeles is vice chair; Diane Wright of the Diocese of Virginia is secretary; and the Rev. Robin Denney of Northern California is chaplain.  The full list of members is here.

“God is a missional God” declares Yvonne Lembo in compelling My Mission Story video about her Meet Me in Africa venture

“Our God is a Missional God” declares Yvonne Lembo in a compelling video about Meet Me Africa, the project she designed to involve people of color in cross-cultural mission.  Yvonne is development director at the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Lembo’s testimony is one in a dozen of My Mission Story videos that GEMN compiled from conversations with lay and clergy Episcopalians at General Convention. Yvonne’s story and the entire collection is accessible on GEMN’s YouTube channel and the GEMN website.


Applications invited by Jan. 31 for Young Adult Service Corps

From the Episcopal Church’s Office of Global Partnerships:

Could serving with the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) be your next faithful step? This ministry is for Episcopalians ages 21-35 who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the world. Applicants must have a high degree of maturity and possess a faith commitment, the willingness to be a humble guest, and the ability to be an authentic companion. Applications are due January 31.

Click here to apply.

Reminder: The Office of Global Partnerships holds a monthly call on the second Wednesday of each month, and all are welcome to participate.  To receive regular notices, write to Fred Spitz, global relations and networking officer, at  The next several meetings are Feb. 12, when Middle East partnership officer Paul Feheley will discuss situations in that part of the world, and March 12.  The Jan. 8 gathering focused on activities related to theological education in Africa, Asia and Latin Ameerica and the Caribbean.

News from mission agencies:

American Friends of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf has been formed recently, and it has joined GEMN as an agency member.  “For almost 50 years, the Anglican Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf has provided a unique and highly important ‘ministry of presence’ to a diverse group of Christians living in the countries which border the Arabian Gulf,”  the group said in its announcement.  “To celebrate their 50th anniversary, a small group of Episcopalians has founded The American Friends of the Diocese of Cyprus and Gulf (AFDCG) to foster this important ministry through education in the American church and through fund raising efforts to support the Diocese and its programs.”  See the full announcement here.

Five Talents reports that in 2024 its programming reached thousands of participants in vulnerable communities through more than 550 new Savings Groups. That’s thousands of lives changed — and the transformation of those lives has ripple effects benefiting families and even entire communities. Five Talents currently is working in Bolivia, Burundi, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda.

American Friends of the Episcopal Churches of the Sudans continues to support the Sudanese churches amid war and famine.  Wrote executive director Dane Smith: “War persists.  Famine rears its ugly head. Trauma is intense. Reports from on the ground, and among newly displaced, show a pattern of the RSF targeting of civilians, including through forced displacement, looting, sexual/gender-based violence, civilian deaths. Reports as of November 2024 suggest over 1,200 civilians were killed in one month.”

College of Social Work and Social Justice in Haiti congratulated six students on completing and presenting their final projects for the bachelor’s degree in social work.  Their project topics: The Situation of Elderly People in Nursing Homes in Haiti.  The Impact of Friendships on Classroom Behavior.  Career Guidance for Haitian High School Seniors.  Analysis of the Factors Influencing Haitian Migration.  Self-Esteem Among Women Victims of Sexual Abuse.  Family Reintegration Experience during Internship.

Posted in AFDCG: American Friends of the Diocese of Cyprus and the Gulf, AFRECS: American Friends of the Episcopal Churches of the Sudans, Five Talents, Global Mission News, Haiti, Middle East, My Mission Story, Office of Global Partnerships, South Sudan, Standing Commission on World Mission, Sudan, Young Adult Service Corps.