Register now for Formation Program to be offered April 29 before Missio in Honduras

People interested in deepening their understanding of world mission are invited to register for the in-person Mission Formation Program offered by the Global Episcopal Mission Network this spring in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The Formation Program will be offered in tandem with Missio 2025, the global mission conference that will be held April 29-May 2 […]


São anunciados seis “Catalisadores de Conversação” sobre Evangelismo, Empoderamento e Ação Climática para a Missio 2025

Continúan las inscripciones para Missio 2025, la conferencia mundial sobre misión de la Iglesia Episcopal, que este año está organizada por la Red Mundial de Misión Episcopal y la Diócesis de Honduras.   Por invitación del Obispo Lloyd Allen de la Diócesis de Honduras, Missio se reunirá en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula, del […]


Six ‘Conversation Catalysts’ are announced on Evangelism, Empowerment and Climate Action for Missio 2025

Registration is continuing for Missio 2025, the world mission conference for the Episcopal Church, which this year is organized by the Global Episcopal Mission Network and the Diocese of Honduras. At the invitation of Bishop Lloyd Allen of the Diocese of Honduras, Missio will meet in the city of San Pedro Sula, April 29-May 2.  […]


Abren inscripciones para Missio 2025 en Honduras: “Misión con Jesús”, del 29 de abril al 2 de mayo

Ya está abierta la inscripción para Missio 2025, la conferencia mundial de misión de la Iglesia Episcopal, que este año está organizada por GEMN y la Diócesis de Honduras. Por invitación del obispo Lloyd Allen de la Diócesis de Honduras, Missio se reunirá en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula, del 29 de abril al […]


Global Mission News: Standing Commission on World Mission to present at Jan. 23 Mission Thursday at 1pm

“Envisioning World Mission – A Word from the Standing Commission on World Mission” will be the theme of the Mission Thursday sponsored by GEMN at 1 p.m. on Jan. 23.  Register here on Eventbrite for the one-hour webinar, which is free and open to the public. Presenting will be Emily Keniston, chair of the commission […]


Epiphany: The movement of God’s mission pivots from inward centripetal to outward centrifugal

We three kings of Orient are, bearing gifts we traverse afar, field and fountain, moor and mountain, following yonder star. Those words and the tune that conveys them evoke Epiphany.  The coming of the Magi to pay homage to the Christ Child at Bethlehem is the festival’s focus, its alternate title being “The Manifestation of […]