“Charism of relationality” grounds World Mission Commission’s report & resolutions for General Convention; hearing set for June 5

Citing the “charism of relationality” it sees in the Episcopal Church’s constitution, the Standing Commission on World Mission in its 49-page report to this summer’s General Convention declares:

In a climate where the voices of isolationism and intolerance are weaving their threads into the very fabric of institutions, the Standing Commission on World Mission has sought to bring to the fore a new garment, donning our Baptismal Covenant whereby we present a counterculture based on the values of relationality, epistemic humility, and a celebration of diversity. Upholding these values is our way of reaching forth our hands in love and living out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:20).

In summarizing its activities over the two years since the 2022 General Convention, the commission prioritizes addressing what it sees as a colonial mindset:

To root ourselves in the missional work of the Church – to restore all people to unity with God and each other – we must live into deeper relationship with our Anglican siblings around the globe and, more broadly, with all of God’s people.  To do so, we must first acknowledge that many of those relationships are broken or perhaps never existed in the first place.  The work of undoing the colonial mindset that exists in the Episcopal Church is first and foremost about improving those relationships.

The commission organized itself into several working groups over the two years: Dismantling Colonialism, Rising Religious Nationalism, the Global Mission Advocates Network, and Gender-Based Violence.  Other efforts were undertaken as well, with the result that the commission is presenting 11 resolutions for action at convention, which will be held June 23-28 at the Kentucky International Convention Center in Louisville (pictured above):

A080        Create a Task Force on Countering the Colonial Mindset

A081        Combat Rising Religious Nationalism

A082        Support the Episcopal Veterans Network

A083        Affirm Anglican Connections

A084        Join the Communion Forest

A085        Support for the Global Mission Advocates Network

A086        Create a Task Force for Youth Formation and World Mission

A087        Collect Data on Meeting Sustainable Development Goals

A088        Consult with the Office of Global Partnerships

A089        Address Violence Against Women and Girls

A041        Create a Task Force on the Episcopal Church-Anglican Communion Relationships

On Wednesday, June 5, 3-5pm Eastern, the World Mission Legislative Committee will hold an open hearing on: A080, A083, A085, A087, A088; D026 on support for Episcopal Migration Ministries; and A043 on support for Iraqi Christians.  Interested persons may sign up to attend or present here

The SCWM’s members are, with their dioceses, provinces and ending years:

Ms. Martha Gardner, Chair, Massachusetts, I 2024

The Rev. Manoj Mathew Zacharia, Ph.D., Vice-Chair, Maryland, III 2027

The Rev. Irene Tanabe, Secretary, Olympia, VIII 2024

The Rt. Rev. Lucinda Ashby, El Camino Real, VIII 2027

The Rev. Canon Walter B.A. Brownridge, Vermont, I 2024

The Very Rev. Dr. Caroline Carson, New Jersey, II 2027

Sra. Grecia Christian Reynoso, Dominican Republic, IX 2024

Canon Judith Conley, Arizona, VIII 2024

Mr. Thomas Diaz, Los Angeles, VIII 2027

Ms. Emily Elston, Southern Virginia, III 2027

The Rt. Rev. Alan Gates, Massachusetts, I 2024

Ms. Felicity Hallanan, Central New York, II 2027

Ms. Emily Keniston, Maine, I 2024

The Rev. Grey Maggiano, Maryland, III 2024

The Rt. Rev. José McLoughlin, Western North Carolina, IV 2024

Ms. Denise Reovan, Virgin Islands, II 2024

Ms. Angela Smith, Western Kansas, VII 2024

Ms. Diane Wright, Virginia, III 2027

The Rev. Canon Dr. Wilmot Merchant, Ex. Council Liaison, South Carolina, IV 2024

The House of Deputies World Mission Legislative Committee that is considering the resolutions has the following members, listed with their dioceses and provinces:

Crawford, Rev. Dr. Lee


Vermont, I

O’Neal, Ms. Yvonne


New York, II

Rodriguez, Mrs. Heather


Central Florida, IV

Duff Popplewell, Rev. Elizabeth

Asst. Secretary

Iowa, VI

Brooks, Rev. Theodora


New York, II

Callender, Rev. Randy


Maryland, III

Conley, Canon Judith


Arizona, VIII

Hsin-Fen Chang, Rev. Fennie


Los Angeles, VIII

Jiménez, Sra. Coromoto


Venezuela, IX

Malsan, Mr. David


Albany, II

Mysen, Te Rev. Andrea


Chicago, V

Padró, Sra. Lymari


Puerto Rico, II

Rivera, Angel


Puerto Rico, II

Skimina, Mr. Timothy


Northern Indiana, V

Sprauve, Mr. Elton


the Virgin Islands, II

Ayala Harris, Ms. Julia

Ex Officio

Oklahoma, VII

Yarbrough, Rev. Rebecca

Dispatch Liaison

North Carolina, IV

The House of Bishops World Mission Legislative Committee, which meets with the deputies’ committee, has the following members:

Ashby, Bishop Lucinda


El Camino Real, VIII

Van Koevering, Bishop Mark


Lexington, IV

Sumner, Jr., Bishop George R.


Dallas, VII

Monterroso, Bishop Hector


Texas, VII

Quiñonez, Bishop Juan Carlos


Central Ecuador, IX


Posted in General Convention, Standing Commission on World Mission.