Registration is now open for Global Mission Conference on Women in Mission, May 12-14

Registration is now open for the “Women in Mission” conference sponsored by the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) online, May 12-14.  Conference information is here, and the registration portal is here.  Spanish interpretation will be available for all plenaries and for some of the workshops. Four plenary speakers will highlight the work of women in […]


Registration opens for 2021 Global Mission Conference: ‘Earthkeeping: Creation Care in Global Mission,’ April 22-24

Registration is now open for the 2021 Global Mission Conference sponsored by GEMN online via Zoom, Thursday-Saturday, April 22-24, on the theme, “Earthkeeping: Creation Care in Global Mission.”  Register here. Climate change and ecological degradation constitute the major planetary crisis of our time. How can Christians in global mission engage with the crisis through the […]


World Mission Sunday observance on Feb. 14 is urged by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued a video encouraging observance of World Mission Sunday on Feb. 14, which is available here.  Noting that this year World Mission Sunday coincides with Valentine’s Day, Curry relates the love of God shown forth in the ministry of Jesus and his invitation to love one another to Jesus’ charge, […]


Save the Earth-Day dates for Earthkeeping Global Mission Conference: April 22-24 on Zoom!

Climate change and ecological degradation constitute the major planetary crisis of our time. How can Christians in global mission engage with the crisis through the Creator God, the Redeeming Christ and the Empowering Spirit?  What can our mission companions around the world teach us about climate justice, and how can we collaborate with them? The […]