São anunciados seis “Catalisadores de Conversação” sobre Evangelismo, Empoderamento e Ação Climática para a Missio 2025

Continúan las inscripciones para Missio 2025, la conferencia mundial sobre misión de la Iglesia Episcopal, que este año está organizada por la Red Mundial de Misión Episcopal y la Diócesis de Honduras.   Por invitación del Obispo Lloyd Allen de la Diócesis de Honduras, Missio se reunirá en la ciudad de San Pedro Sula, del […]


Mission Reflection: Missionary learned to “really” pray through serving in South Africa

One of the gifts of cross-cultural mission service is that the experience of working with people of another culture and language deepens one’s own spirituality and discipleship.  A Catch of the Day posting from Heidi Schmidt in Argentina on Sunday, June 9, captures that dynamic vividly and inspirationally:  Good morning! One of the myriad gifts […]


Mission and church unity – how do they relate?  Come and discuss at March 7 Mission Thursday

The March 7 Mission Thursday will discuss how global mission relates to church unity.  How have people in mission experienced Christian diversity?  Have some mission efforts fostered mutual understanding?  Have some mission efforts promoted disunity?  How can global mission help fulfill Jesus’ prayer “that they all may be one”? A panel will discuss these questions […]


New Jersey and Cameroon nuns’ companionship with orphans is focus of Feb. 15 Mission Thursday

‘A Mission Companionship with Cameroon Orphans’ is the theme of the Mission Thursday to be held online on Feb. 15.  Sponsored by the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN), the 2 p.m. webinar on Zoom will feature Sister Monica Clare, superior of the Community of St. John the Baptist in Mendham, New Jersey. Register for the […]


Speakers for Missio will focus on how to be companions with Christians pressured by unrest, war and persecution

Speakers for Missio, the annual Global Mission Conference, will highlight ways to be in missional solidarity with Christians around the world who are pressured by civil unrest, gang violence, war and religious persecution. International speakers at the March 20-22 online gathering will be in conversation with their Episcopal counterparts about how constraints imposed by turmoil […]