Register now for Formation Program to be offered April 29 before Missio in Honduras

People interested in deepening their understanding of world mission are invited to register for the in-person Mission Formation Program offered by the Global Episcopal Mission Network this spring in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The Formation Program will be offered in tandem with Missio 2025, the global mission conference that will be held April 29-May 2 […]


Global Mission News: Missio 2025 to be held in Honduras, April 29-May 2, beginning with Mission Formation Program

GEMN wishes you and your family and communitya blessed Christmastide and New Year as you celebrate God’s missionincarnate among us in Jesus the Christ! Next year’s Missio, the annual world mission conference for the Episcopal Church, will be held in San Pedro Sula, April 29-May 2, at the invitation of Bishop Lloyd Allen of Honduras. […]


Global Mission Conference: Why attend? Why in person? Why healing?

Registration is continuing for the churchwide Global Mission Conference that will be held May 3-5 at St. Mark’s Church in Tampa, Florida.  The conference theme is ‘Mission: Journey into Healing. And registration continues for the Mission Formation Programthat will precede the conference, May 2-3.  The program is highly recommended for the background it offers in biblical […]