Global Mission Conference: Why attend? Why in person? Why healing?

Registration is continuing for the churchwide Global Mission Conference that will be held May 3-5 at St. Mark’s Church in Tampa, Florida.  The conference theme is ‘Mission: Journey into Healing. And registration continues for the Mission Formation Programthat will precede the conference, May 2-3.  The program is highly recommended for the background it offers in biblical […]


Hope from mission companionships with Sudanese Christians is shared with large Mission Thursday group

Sixty-five people participated in the Mission Thursday webinar on “Mission Companionship with Sudanese Christians” sponsored by the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN) on Feb. 16.  That was out of 105 people who registered for the event on Eventbrite, both figures indicating the high level of interest Episcopalians and other Anglican have in engaging with Christians […]


Celebrate World Mission Sunday in your congregation on February 19!

The Episcopal Church’s World Mission Sunday, an annual observance designated by the 1997 General Convention, occurs on the Last Sunday in Epiphanytide – this year on February 19. Epiphany celebrates the showing forth of the light of Christ in all the world – over all the diversity of nationalities, cultures, races, languages and ethnicities. This […]


Mission News 12/2/22: Diocesan Mission Advocates meet for orientation

Seeking to address a long-felt need, this year’s General Convention called for Global Mission Advocates to be appointed by dioceses, seminaries and diocesan schools for ministry. After commending for study and implementation the “Guiding Principles for World Mission” drafted by the Standing Commission on World Mission (SCWM), Resolution A016 asked SCWM and the Office of […]


Mission News 9/22/22: Convention & Lambeth to be discussed at this fall’s Mission Thursdays

Mission Thursdays this fall will provide forums for discussing mission This fall GEMN is restarting the Mission Thursdays discussion series.  The one-hour sessions in webinar format will provide opportunities for mission activists in congregations, dioceses, agencies, seminaries and religious orders to hear about and discuss developments in the church’s global outreach.   Presentations by guest speakers […]


Global Mission News 7/28/22: Mission in the Lambeth Calls – an analysis

A missional commentary on the Lambeth Calls by Titus Presler, GEMN Executive Director What is the Lambeth Conference? As Anglican Christians we’re part of a highly organized church that, yes, has a hierarchy headed by bishops, people consecrated to shepherd the flocks in their dioceses. Since 1867, active Anglican bishops, now numbering around 1,000, gather about […]


Global Mission News 6/29/22: Five Talents / Boe Thoughts / GC Hearing / Conference Plenary Videos

Five Talents offers virtual tours of its global work Five Talents, the Virginia-based mission agency with the tagline, “transforming lives through microenterprise development,” is offering virtual tours of its work around the world to congregations and other groups, either in person or via Zoom, CEO Dale Stanton-Hoyle wrote in his weekly email on June 23.  […]